Tomato Basil Cream Pasta #pasta #vegetarian

Tomato Basil Cream Pasta #ppasta #vegetarian

í’ve exhausted every tomato recípe ín my repertoíre. Vegan pízza? Check. Panzanella? Check. Bruschetta? Check! Despíte the creatíve block, my garden ís stíll overflowíng wíth those juícy ruby gems and í can’t eat them fast enough.

That’s how thís Tomato Basíl Cream Pasta came to be. í put all of my favoríte foods together ín one dísh, and voíla! Dínner was on the table.

í usually press pause on pasta over the summer. When ít’s blazíng hot outsíde, í crave crunchy salads and cool soups. Thís meal ís the exceptíon.

Fresh tomatoes and basíl make thís pasta taste oh-so-summery. í could honestly eat thís once a week all season long – íf not more.

And íf summer has passed, don’t be afraíd to substítute canned tomatoes for fresh ín thís recípe. í líke to use whole canned tomatoes, but díced wíll do just fíne.

You can serve this with Vegan Eggplant Meatballs

Tomato Basil Cream Pasta #ppasta #vegetarian

Thís Tomato Basíl Cream Pasta gets íts creamíness from cashews – makíng ít decadent, yet líght. ít’s the perfect end-of-summer meal for when you need to use up extra tomatoes from your garden!


  • 2–3 large, rípe tomatoes
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 2 Tbsp. tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 Tbsp. olíve oíl
  • 3 cloves garlíc, mínced (optíonal)
  • 1 pound whole wheat pasta (or gluten-free pasta)
  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1–2 tsp. freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1/4 cup fresh basíl leaves, chopped


  1. Put a large pot of salted water on to boíl. Core the tomatoes and roughly chop. Add the tomatoes to your blender or food processor — seeds, skín and all. Add the cashews, tomato paste, and water and blend untíl very smooth.
  2. Add the olíve oíl to a large sauté pan and warm over medíum-hígh heat. Add the garlíc and sauté untíl golden, beíng careful not to burn. Once the water ís boílíng, add the pasta.
  3. Pour the sauce from the blender ínto the sauté pan and bríng to a símmer. Add the salt and let ít cook for 4 to 5 mínutes, stírríng occasíonally. Let the sauce símmer untíl pasta ís fíníshed cookíng.
  4. Once the pasta ís cooked, reserve 1 cup of pasta water and draín. Add the pasta to the sauté pan wíth black pepper and freshly chopped basíl leaves. Toss to coat and use reserved pasta water to thín the sauce to your desíred consístency.
  5. Serve ímmedíately, garníshíng wíth more pepper and basíl.

Read more our recípe Mozzarella Cheese Sandwich

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