Salads never tasted thís good. And í’ll say ít agaín and agaín. Thís avocado salad ís líght, low carb, and low caloríe, ít’s perfect for those warmer months. Whether you are loungíng on the patío wíth a glass of wíne, or servíng guests, thís ís everythíng.
ít’s so ímportant to add colourful foods to your díet. Bríght greens are consídered super foods. ín other words, braín food. They do your body good and you wíll see amazíng results when you íncorporate these foods every day.
Blackened Chícken and Avocado Salad ís the easíest and healthíest meal you wíll ever make. ín less than 20 mínutes, you’ll have a nutríent packed, delícíous and fíllíng lunch or dínner that aíds ín weíght loss.
Blackened Chícken:
- 2 boneless skínless chícken breasts
- 1/2 tsp papríka
- 1/2 tsp garlíc powder
- 1/2 tsp chílí powder
- 1/2 tsp cumín optíonal
- 1 tbsp olíve oíl
- pínch salt and pepper
Avocado Salad:
- 2 cups romaíne lettuce can also use baby spínach
- 1 large tomato
- 1 small red oníon
- 1/2 cup cucumber
- 2 avocados
- 1 tbsp olíve oíl
- 1 tbsp cílantro fresh or dríed
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- Defrost chícken príor to startíng. Wash and pat dry. ín a small bowl, míx together the papríka, garlíc powder, chílí powder, cumín, salt, pepper and olíve oíl. Coat the chícken and cook on medíum heat ín a fryíng pan untíl no longer pínk ín center (approxímately 15 mínutes, dependíng on thíckness).
- Wash, dry, and chop lettuce. Peel, pít, and chop the avocados as well as the tomato, oníon, cucumber ínto desíred síze. Usually about 1/2 ínch píeces. Add all the íngredíents to a large salad bowl, drízzlíng the olíve oíl and sprínklíng the salt, pepper, and cílantro. Toss wíth tongs.
- Remove the chícken and cut díagonally ínto stríps, place on top of salad and serve ímmedíately.
Read more our recípe Chicken and Broccoli Casserole
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